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Kings of War -
Races |
There are six playable races in KoW along
with five factions which leads to thirteen possible combinations (some
combinations are not allowed, like Royalist plus Undead). Unlike KIS
and KAG, KoW allows you to choose both race and faction.
[Drauga] [Gauri]
[Haroun] [Humans] [Shadow]
[Undead] - [Kohan]
Drauga |
[Lore] [Units]
[Nationalists] [Royalists]
Description: |
In the wildest lands of Khaldun dwell the Drauga, a race
whose savagery is matched only by their sense of honor and tradition. In
Ages past, the Drauga stood as the greatest bulwark against the Shadow, ever
eager to do battle against the Ceyah and unafraid of the death and
destruction of perpetual war. Yet as the Ages have marched on, the vitality
of the Drauga has been sapped. Their endless civil warfare, coupled with
depredations by the Ceyah, has weakened them greatly. Moreover, their
rejection of technology and civilization has allowed other races,
particularly the Humans, to gain in martial prowess relative to the Drauga.
Feared or hated for their war-like tendencies, the Drauga have been driven
from Human and Haroun lands, and now smolder with resentment and shame.
Whether this burning becomes a blaze of glory or the flames of desolation
will yet be seen.
Gauri |
[Lore] [Units]
Racial Bonuses:
20% Resistance to Magic Damage
[Council] [Nationalists]
Description: |
In the greatest mountains, more ancient than
life itself and with roots deep in the earth, dwell the Gauri: rock-strong,
rock-stubborn, unflinching and proud. Just as the earth does not move, so
too have they remained fixed, carving their homes around themselves and
keeping their own counsel. Seldom do they walk among the other mortals, and
rare are the Kohan’s dealings with them. Yet they have ever been a staunch
ally against the Shadow, and once their allegiance is won, it is never
shaken loose. He who wins their trust may make of them the bedrock of his
Haroun |
[Lore] [Units]
Racial Bonuses:
Settlements upgrade automatically and at no cost.
[Council] [Royalists]
Like the wind itself fly the
Haroun, desiring to touch everything, to be everywhere at once, unbound by
the weight of the earth or the dictates of law. Yet their very love of
independence, their very thirst for knowledge, has created of necessity
certain rules that guide the Haroun. Though their society has often
fractured over mere philosophical disputes, Haroun seldom war against Haroun.
When such battle is inevitable, they have restrained themselves from the
pillaging and ransacking so common to other mortal conflicts. Indeed,
in their curiosity, in their restraint, in their love of knowledge, in their
gift for controlling mana, the Haroun are quite like the Kohan. This is,
perhaps, a virtue of their long lives, but perhaps also it comes from their
historical veneration of the Immortals as fonts of wisdom and culture.
The Haroun have always been fast allies of the Light and though they may not
be the mightiest of warriors, the enemies of the Shadow will long be able to
rely on their support.
Humans |
[Lore] [Units]
[Ceyah] [Council] [Nationalists] [Royalists]
Description: |
The Humans are the most populous of the mortals. Though they
die in but the passing of a breath, still they spread themselves across the
surface of Khaldun. Despite the many dooms that have come upon them, their
insatiable hunger for expansion leads them to fear no land, no beast, no
obstacle. Know also that just as they bear the likeness of the Kohan, so too
do they bear all the Immortals’ glories and sins: they may be as courageous
as the greatest hero or as foul as the most accursed Ceyah traitor. He who
would rule must learn their ways and earn their loyalty, for it is in their
numbers and foolish courage that the fate of kingdoms is shaped.
Kohan |
[Ceyah] [Council] [Fallen] [Nationalists] [Royalists]
Racial Bonuses:
+20% Resistance to Magic Damage
+20% Resistance to Khaldunite Damage
Immune to Disease
[Ceyah] [Council] [Fallen] [Nationalists] [Royalists]
Description: |
Note: Kohan are not a playable race in themselves - they
are the immortal heroes for each faction.
Shadow |
[Lore] [Units]
Racial Bonuses:
20% Resistance to Siege Damage
25% Khaldunite Vulnerability
Immune to Poison
Description: |
Eternal in its enmity to the Light, the Shadow seeks
to extend its sway over Khaldun, so that it may prosecute war against the
Creator himself. To this end, it releases pockets of energy through the
fraying Veil that separates it from Khaldun. This energy is transformed
through the process into twisted, corporeal forms of mottled purple flesh
and glowing eyes. Shadow creatures have an insatiable hunger. Though this
hunger manifests itself often in the consumption of living flesh, this is a
crude, and unsatisfying, proxy for their true desire: chaos. Cut off from
their own environment, trapped in unnatural bodies, Shadow creatures, cannot
ever feel comfort and thus always seek to recreate their own natural chaos
in the world around them. They cannot help but destroy. The Ceyah have
always been closely aligned with the Shadow.
Undead |
[Lore] [Units]
[Ceyah] [Fallen]
Racial Bonuses:
20% Resistance to Range Damage
25% Magic Vulnerability
Immune to Disease & Poison
Undead Morale (Berzerk)
Can Supply (Heal) Anywhere
Description: |
Like an infection spreading across the face of Khaldun, where
the Undead walk, more of the Soulless spring forth. Born of Humans’ dark
desire for immortality, the Soulless have escaped both death and life alike,
and are cursed to the twilight existence that is neither. They hunger
simultaneously for either release, and seek in the flesh and blood of the
living both the warmth and pleasures they once knew, and the death of those
who yet have what the Soulless now lack. Because of their loathing for the
natural order of Khaldun and their slaughtering of the other mortal races,
the Undead have forever been used as pawns by the Ceyah to achieve their
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