"INDEPENDENTS" - A KAG Mod By Leadman (Dannie Martz) Posted 2-23-03 This mod hopes to enhance the KAG experience by expanding and developing the independent races. In addition to new units, the independent villages (all 2 component structures) are upgradeable to town (4 component) and city (5 component). Unfortunately, with the exception of the Slaanri Kraal, the graphic doesn't change once the upgrade is complete. All independent cavalry units now require a barracks to commission (all independents now have Cavalry units). Hopefully, the character of each independent race has been maintained with this mod. The Haroun are still primarily a "shooting" military. The Drauga are still a fast moving melee force. The Slaanri and Gauri are still slow moving, but both now have more punch. Summary of new units: Haroun: Foot Guards and Treants. Relatively expensive but good melee units. Drauga: War Hounds. Fast moving, provides ignore terrain bonus. Gauri: Bolter, a crossbow unit; and Stone Giants, a very nasty melee unit. Slaanri: Raptor, a slow cavarly unit; and the Slaanri Warlock, a support unit with chain lightning and summon slaan. Other changes: All village/town/city/citadel control zones have been increased to 6 to help reduce town stealing. The three Aswan heroes have had some mods to their stats. See the Global History for details. Please send questions or comments to: leadman25@aol.com I would like to thank Chimaeros for his help in getting me started with KMOD, and a very special thanks to ManaBlade for the time she spent answering my questions and solving my KMOD troubles.