Listed below are all the AI's that come with Ahriman's Gift.  They are organized according to difficulty as listed in their respective files.  Thanks to IronGrip for gathering this info.
AI Commands are listed below.



Andrae Ceyah Andrae will field whatever Ceyah units he can to win the day, from Shadow Beasts to Skeletons, he can successfully field them all. Being cheap, he's not likely to field Void Beasts until late in the game.
Angh'khor Royalist A fierce opponent who leaves burning buildings in his wake, focuses on mounted troops to the exclusion of ground pounders and is a touchy ally.
Arya Shahin Royalist Yet another take on a Royalist SAI, this one focusing on infantry and dragoons.
Aureus Council Always looking to expand his empire and enrich his coffers, Aureus does all he can to make sure that he has economic advantages over his enemies and his allies.
Ghalen Nationalist Yet another Nationalist SAI, this one bent on using infantry with mage support.
Haialani Royalist An imperial presence on the battlefield, Haialani is the first Queen of the island nation of Hsai'phai'ali.
Hrahmesh Royalist Hrahmesh eschews archers and focuses on putting out units that will utterly wipe the Ceyah Kohan off the face of Khaldun.
Mowasai Nationalist Mowasai hates the Ceyah, and avoids using archers and other ranged units that are ineffective against the Ceyah. Look for him to field a generally interesting combination of troops, focusing on Infantry and Grenadiers.
Rammah Nationalist Rammah favors a balanced mix of units and seeks to explore and fortify his immediate area before striking further out.
Ruyen Council Yet another Council SAI, but this one doesn't use the archers much. It uses a mix of other units to achieve world domination.
Sardis Ceyah Sardis is a cool and calculating field marshal, capable of quickly assessing the situation and responding in kind.
Sarh Council A fierce opponent of the Ceyah, Sarh prefers to use massed archers, but will offer up some front line resistance to protect his archers. He also cares little for the troops he commands and will often run them ragged until they collapse from exhaustion.
Sijansur Ceyah Sijansur favors unleashing Shadow Knights and Shadow Beasts onto the battlefield. His ability to get them out onto the field of battle quickly and efficiently is what makes him one of the most feared Ceyah generals.
Syrad Amon Ceyah Syrad Amon is a Ceyah SAI that focuses on skeletons and bone bows.
Vishara Council Vishara prefers to field a massive number of Dragoons, often riding at their head, leading the charge into battle. A tough opponent, Vishara tends to make the smart choices on the battlefield.
Zahra Council Besides archers, Zahra loves to pound his enemies into the ground using the Grenadiers and Dragoons.


Ctesiphon Ceyah Ctesiphon can be a tough opponent when he focuses on a strategy long enough to see it to fruition, otherwise, his tendency to get distracted hurts him in the long haul.
Hannibal Ceyah Favoring a mix of troops to get the job done, Hannibal is notoriously easy to gain an alliance with.
Jah'fari Council --
Larrissa Royalist The matriarch of House Cambyses, Larrissa is an expert horse rider and loves to ride at the head of her heavily armored dragoons.
Leila Royalist Leila is a generalist, using whatever Mareten troops will aid her cause. She will not use Ceyah units no matter what the situation.
Morphaen Nationalist --
Serapis Nationalist Serapis likes to field an eclectic mix of units to get the job done, but mainly likes to count his gold as he builds his economic strength.
Thaddeus Council Thaddeus tends towards the use of infantry and crossbowman, always favoring heavier armored troops and archers over lighter, faster troops.


Hakim Royalist Hakim has a hard time making up his mind and an even harder time sticking to it once he's made it up.
Jhadaes Council --
Sa'id Mundhir Nationalist Sa'id Mundhir likes to field massive armies, but usually finds himself engaged and in pitched battle before he can get rolling.
Walid Ceyah Walid likes to expand his empire through settling, often ignoring key military goals to get another settlement up and running.

AI Commands

AI Tell Commands ("/tell" or "/t")

Tell commands can be used to communicate instructions to your computer-controlled AI allies. These commands that will not necessarily be carried out, but they do influence the AI player's thinking.  To use tell commands, first select a building (if appropriate - not all tell commands require a target building), then send the command via chat with the following format (hit ENTER to bring up the chat box).

/tell [target player] [command] [parameter]

Target Player:

This field can be a given in a variety of formats. Either a player number, a player color, or a player name.

1..8 = send the command to the AI playing this kingdom.
E.g. '/tell 2' is the second player (blue).

color name = send the command to the kingdom of that color.
E.g. '/tell blue'

1 = red
2 = blue
3 = green
4 = black
5 = orange
6 = purple
7 = cyan
8 = brown

player name = send the command to the given AI.
E.g. '/tell Syrad Amon'

* = send the command to all allied AIs
E.g. '/tell *'

all or a = send the command to all allied AIs
E.g. '/tell all' or '/t a'

Command [Parameter]:

There are seven different AI tell commands. Building commands (attack and defend) can also be used by selecting a building first, then issuing the command.

attack [building] = request the AI send forces to attack this building
E.g. '/tell black attack Garland' or
'/tell black attack' after selecting Garland

defend [building] = request the AI send forces to defend this building
E.g. '/tell Darius defend' after selecting Cleardale

cancel [building] = request the AI cancel all tell commands
E.g. '/tell a cancel' after selecting a building

list = request a list of active tell commands
E.g. '/tell 2 list'

reset = clear all previous attack/defend commands
E.g. '/tell 2 reset'

report = request an economy report from the AI

tribute [amount] = request the AI give you the specified amount of gold.
E.g. '/tell green tribute 50' This does not work in campaign play, and the AI must be doing well financially to agree.

Abbreviated commands:

Instead of 'attack/defend/cancel/list/report/tribute/reset' you can use

E.g. "/t 2 a" tells player 2 to attack the selected building.
"/t * r" tells all AI allies to report their economy.



Tech Units