

Kohan Film Database




Kings of War - Films

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G = Gauri, D = Drauga, U = Undead, Hu = Human, Ha = Haroun, Sh = Shadow
Ce = Ceyah, C = Council, F = Fallen, N = Nationalist, R = Royalist

2v2 Great Game

Size: 512 x 512


Source: Barrens

Files: 2v2 Great Game.RFM
Time: 9:00:14 PM, 10/6/2004
Download: The Awakening
Multiplayer: Yes Rated: Yes Map Control: 80%
Added: 10-12-04
Team 1: Team 2:    
Sharpe67 (Ha/C)
Umi (Ha/C)
racerx64 (U/F)
Herr_Sauron (G/C)
Here's a great 2v2 battle. Good Undead and Haroun strats. Close game shows importance of quick start, good scouting and aggressive play. - racer-x
Nero's Comeback

Size: 704 x 704


Source: Barrens

Files: NerosComeback.RFM
Time: 11:46:12 PM, 10/1/2004
Download: The Awakening
Multiplayer: Yes Rated: Yes  
Added: 10-12-04
Team 1: Team 2: Team 3:
IndianaJedi (U/F)
Strickster (G/C)
Munglar (G/C)
Blindswordsman (G/N)
Nero5150 (Sh/F)
[TG]esuoM (G/C)
Wow, what a game! That was awesome. Best game yet for me in KoW. If Nero hadn't come back we would have been toast, you guys almost had him. Really really fun guys, thanks! - [TG]esuoM
Human Royal Large

Size: 576 x 576


Source: Frozen Reaches

Files: Human_Royal_Large.RFM
Time: 5:41:16 PM, 9/30/2004
Download: The Awakening
Multiplayer: No Rated: No Map Control: 86%
Added: 10-12-04
Team 1: Team 2:    
IronFist (Hu/R)
Ravyn (AI) (Sh/F)    
Film showing Humans against Shadow in a long, massive slugfest. I use pretty much every Human unit (except Lancer) and all their support during the game. At a couple of points, I thought I would lose the game. It is a 576x576 1v1 against the Ravyn AI on +3 econ with a 500 gold start. Best game of KKoW I've played against either People or AI's since the beginning of Beta. - IronFist

Size: 640 x 640


Source: Barrens

Files: roxor.RFM
Time: 10:11:13 PM, 10/5/2004
Download: The Awakening
Multiplayer: Yes Rated: Yes Map Control: 80%
Added: 10-12-04
Team 1: Team 2:
Sharpe67 (Ha/C)
plan-x (U/Ce)
Barraxis (Hu/C)
Milnor (Ha/C)
DrakeWhat (Hu/R)
Morpheus133*ow (U/F)
I decided to share this film with the community, the new players can check it, and learn some builds.  The film is a 'bit' long, this match lasted for more than 90 mins if I am correct.- plan-x



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Dan "Chimaeros" Genovese
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